Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

After having an unbelievably bad Friday and Saturday (of my own making, by the way), Dave and the kids gave me a great, relaxing Mother's Day.

It didn't start quite as well as it ended. I woke up at 2:30 a.m., not to breakfast in bed, but a mariachi band literally next door blasting some song in Spanish. I don't know if this was a serenade to a mother or just a band practicing. But again at 6:30 a.m.-- still not breakfast, but more loud music. Again at 8am....this time to breakfast and homemade Mother's Day cards. This is the first year that I slept in till it was brought to me. Usually 5 people making breakfast wakes me up. That's when my good day started. And I thought Dave had forgotten.

We had no church, due to the flu, so I lazed in bed reading till 10:30.

For a while the kids and I made a mess doing paper mache flowers like these. (Ours aren't finished yet). Dave cleaned it up.

For lunch I ate leftover ceviche, my favorite.

More reading and lazing.

I made dinner, but only because I wanted to. Dave and the kids did dishes.

Presents from Dave. Including Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream all for myself, that costs about $10 for a pint here.

The best thing of all was Dave made me a schedule for the coming week that included 3 or 4 hours of me-time every day. It changed the week I was dreading into a week to look forward to. My bad Friday and Saturday had mostly consisted of me losing it because I've been taking care of kids nonstop for almost a month, and I couldn't handle the thought of another week.

I am so lucky to have such a thoughtful husband and sweet kids that forgive me for my many bad days. I feel like I can do it now.


emlizalmo said...

That is the best present EVER...the ice-cream AND the Carrie-time. Dave is so cool. A month with no breaks sounds incredibly exhausting to me. 2 days straight and I have HAD IT! Can't wait to see you guys soon!

Reed's Rat Race said...

Ha! I gave Angela a pint of her favorite Ben & Jerry's (Cherry Garcia) too!