Saturday, May 2, 2009

What a week!...

Exciting and utterly boring at the same time. As most of you know there is a severe swine flu outbreak in Mexico. Luckily there is not a single confirmed case in the whole state of Jalisco (our state). But the federal government has closed school until May 6th, so far, and most public events, activities are closed. Movie theaters, gyms, sporting events, some restaurants, etc. This leaves next to nothing for bored kids to do, except watch t.v. and play video games and boy, have we worn those out. Bought a new board game, new movies and even moved to a new house, but none of that has alleviated the boredom. We've let the kids take the occasional walk to a nearby 7-11 and get some ice cream, but other than that they have not left the house (or houses) for almost a week.

We moved on Wednesday to a house about 20 minutes away from our previous one. It's in a small town called San Juan Cosala. The house is not outstanding, but does have some endearing features. We'll miss the park in our front yard and how close we were to school and church, but we like some of these differences:

Whole-house purified water. No brushing our teeth from a cup.
Big room for Riley and Charlie.
Normal sized refrigerator.
New town to get to know.
Within walking distance of the plaza and small abarrote (grocery).
Nice office for Dave, far away from kid noise.

Some pics of the new house.

Hope we have something more exciting to report next week.


Maria Babin said...

What a charming place, Carrie! The fun never ends! Why did you move? And is that a swimming pool?

Becky Bean said...

I'm glad to hear that y'all are staying away from that yucky flu!!

The Snow Queen said...

Is moving as much fun in Mexico as it is in the US? Here's something totally ironic, the elementary school near us has had a case of the swine flu this week. I'm probably more at risk than you are!

I have a mission for you. I need to learn how to make chilaquiles. Have you had them? Do you eat them with eggs? Do you eat them green or red? Do you eat them in a box with a fox? Do you eat them here or there? Do you eat them anywhere? (HEHEE I thought that was funny I just read that to my kids a hundred times last week)

Here's the mission:
Find Mexico's best chilaquiles and get me the recipe.

Alisa said...

Looks great! Are you in the Raquet Club? How is the new place? Did school start again?

Hope all is well!

utahmominmexico said...

Answers to all your question:

We moved because the other house we rented sold, yes we have a pool, but it us bright green with algae and unswimmable right now.

I accept the chilaquiles mission, even though I don't like it very much, but I've only had red.

We are not in Raquet club, though very close. We would really like the new place if the pool was clean and the oven worked. But don't like the drive we will have once school starts. Oh well, can't have everything.