Thursday, December 11, 2008

Nothing exciting to report

Not your usual entry, but this last week has been so busy, though not very exciting. Jane and Riley have exams this week, so we've spent every evening studying. We were going to go out of town this weekend but canceled because we had so many other not exciting things going on. I made a crepe paper wreath at church and Milli has been making endless 4 year old Christmas decorations for the house. And I've spent way too much time on Facebook. Never thought I would get into that. A couple of friends from my mission invited me to join and friends from here told me how much fun it is. So I did it. And it's very addicting finding out about long lost friends and realizing how old we all are. Warning: don't do it unless you intend on neglecting something else. Like life.


Kate said...

I didn't think I would ever get bored with blogging until I discovered Facebook. I'm such a nerd! But every few nights I find myself searching my high school pages, looking for more friends who have signed up. I'm seriously the most pathetic 32-year-old ever. :)

emlizalmo said...

I have found/been found by some people I haven't heard from for 15-20 years. CRAZY! So fun though.