Friday, August 1, 2008

Riley's thoughts on Mexico so far:

mexico's cool. i have made one friend so far. she knows english.
i start school in one month. i won't understand most of it though.
there is a swimming pool right by our house so we swim a lot.
my favorite thing is the swimming pool. i don't like not understanding anything.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear you like it Riley and you are all such smart kids I'm sure you will start understanding in no time.

emlizalmo said...

You'll be awesome in school Riley. How fun to have a pool right by your house. How hot is it there?

Anonymous said...

Riley, you are smarter than your dad, so if he can make can too! If all else fails, just quote lines from Nacho Libre.

Hang in there pal!


Uncle Ty